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Dealing with Difficult Tenants
July 17, 2019Last month we had our first tweet chat on how to deal with difficult tenants. We co-hosted the chat with Modern Refinement who are seasoned property managers. The response was fantastic, showing us this is clearly an area that you want to know about ...Read More

What Does Africa Freedom Day mean “Really”?
May 30, 201925th May was Africa Freedom Day, so on behalf of Diaspora Connect happy Africa Freedom Day to all our diaspora readers! I was going to write a piece on the different Africa Freedom Day celebrations such as Zamfest, the biggest food festival with the widest ...Read More

Why now is the best time to buy property
May 29, 2019The other night I went to a business cocktail and as per usual for these events, the host gave a speech which started with a brief run down of the current economic climate in Zambia; depreciation of the kwacha, lack of liquidity, slower than expected ...Read More

A First for Zambia – The Diaspora Policy
May 2, 2019A FIRST FOR ZAMBIA – THE DIASPORA POLICY Background to the Policy At the beginning of April, the government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, finally officially launched Zambia’s first ever Diaspora Policy! This policy has been a long time in the making ...Read More