Get update information on the real estate market in Zambia.

February 28, 2019 COMPANY NEWS – You First Is it too late to say Happy New Year? Given how fast time moves these days, I believe you can still say it right up until the end of the first quarter! We’re about to enter March ...Read More

An institute of professionals -Zambia Institute of Estate Agents
November 16, 2018 Estate agents in Zambia are regulated by the Zambia Institute of Estate Agents (ZIEA) that draws its authority from the Estate Agents Act. On 1st July I was excited to attend my first AGM of the Institute! The Institute is young but I was ...Read More

Property Transfer Tax – The Tax that Applies to Property Transactions
November 16, 2018This is a two part article on Property Transfer Tax, an important tax that is applicable to property transactions. What is Property Transfer Tax (PTT)? Whenever property is being bought and sold, the tax authorities – in our case Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) – demand a certain ...Read More

Reboot – Have you met your goals for 2018 #Property goals
November 16, 2018We are more than half way through the year! It’s become a cliché to say how fast time is moving but where are the days flying to?? It forces us to stop and take stock of where are and whether we’re achieving the ...Read More